Environmental Policy Consulting undertakes project around the world. Recent projects have included studies in countries as diverse as UK, Seychelles, Peru, France, Greece, North America, Qatar, Denmark and Ireland. Some examples of recent research and consultancy projects are described below.
COP26, Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership (2021)
We are supporting the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group in its strategy for the international COP26 climate conference, including briefings for members and organising a series of events and activities to set out how business can show leadership and contribute to increased ambition at COP26.
Quantifying and reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions, UKWIR (2020)
Managing project to improve the scientific basis used by the UK and Irish water industry to quantify the process emissions which result from water and wastewater treatment operations.
Forecasting non-household demand for water, Water Resources West (2020)
Leading the economic modelling and forecasting for non-household water demand up to 2100, for a group of water companies in the west of England. Using scenario analysis to take account of a variety of possible future states of the world.
Cost-benefit analysis, NERC (2019)
Economic assessment of Natural Environment Research Council Geophysical Equipment Facility.
Cost-beneficial reductions in per capita water consumption, Water UK (2019)
Economic modelling of options to reduce per capita water consumption.
Benefit assessment of blue green infrastructure schemes, Kent County Council and City of Bradford Metropolitan Borough Council (2019)
Economic assessment of various projects to enhance the availability of blue green infrastructure in UK towns and cities.
Seychelles Integrated Sanitation Masterplan, Public Utilities Corporation of Seychelles (2018-19)
Provision of economic and financial expertise and support to internationally funded sanitation project, which considers sewage, drainage, stormwater, reuse of sludge and treated effluent. Specific inputs to develop economic and financial cost estimates for range of scenarios, and future tariff structure for the islands.
A natural capital assessment of groundwater, Environment Agency (2018)
Directing a project to identify, assess and value the contribution of groundwater to natural capital in England.
Water and Wastewater Investment Needs, OECD (2019)
Leading the economic input to an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development project to identify the current and future investment needs across Europe in relation to water and wastewater infrastructure. Particular focus on the needs related to climate change.
BEGIN (Blue Green Infrastructure through Social Innovation), European Commission (2018-20)
Expert economic advice and inputs to INTERREG North Sea Region project running to 2020, including support for City Partners in assessing the social, environmental and economic benefits of projects.
Valuing the benefits of storm overflow improvements, Water UK (2017)
Part of the 21st century drainage programme of work, development of methodology and framework enabling water companies to consistently identify and assess the benefits of different interventions at high frequency CSOs (combined sewer overflows).
SuDS on new developments, Welsh Government (2017)
Regulatory impact assessment and supporting evidence relating to the costs and benefits of sustainable drainage (SuDS) on new developments, to inform policy changes on making SuDS mandatory.
Natural Flood Management & physical health benefit valuation, Environment Agency (2017)
Development of monetary value estimates relating to (a) the contribution of different types of natural flood management to flood risk reduction, at the catchment scale, and (b) the physical health benefit of being active in natural environments.
Integrated Water Cycle Management, Southern Water (2017)
Development of benefits assessment framework and tool to support understanding and implementation of innovative IWCM approaches.
A Decision Framework for Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure, NERC (2017)
Creation of a new business model for applying green principles to hard, linear infrastructure assets (e.g. river edges, coastal structures, transport networks and bridges). These surfaces can potentially be greened to provide a suite of social, environmental and economic benefits.
Bathing water improvement programme, Southern Water (2016)
Developed and applied framework and process for identifying, assessing and valuing the benefits of improvements at 21 potential bathing water sites.
Benefits of SuDS Tool (B£ST), CIRIA (2016-20)
Leading economic inputs to the development of a new tool supporting the assessment and valuation of the multiple benefits associated with sustainable drainage schemes. The tool is already being widely used by water companies, local authorities, developers and others.
Climate Change Adaptation Report, Thames Water (2015)
Development of the company’s second climate change adaptation report; prepared (though not required) as part of the government’s Adaptation Reporting Power. Specific role to provide economic input to the costs and benefits of different short and long-term adaptation options.
Environmental and Social Costs, Environment Agency, (2015)
Development of guidance to inform a new water environment valuation framework, for the purposes of planning in the water environment.
Energy and Carbon Management, Seychelles Resource Efficiency Programme (2014)
Development of marginal abatement cost curves for energy efficiency and carbon reduction measures, part of a major resource efficiency programme in the Seychelles.
Assessing the Benefits of Mine Water Remediation Schemes, Coal Authority (2014)
Methodology for identifying and assessing the benefits associated with mine water treatment schemes across the UK, along with application of the methodology to two Coal Authority sites.
Renewable Energy in the Water & Wastewater Industry, UK Water Industry Research (2014)
Management of water industry project to develop a compendium of existing and planned renewable energy schemes involving water companies, identifying and modellling factors and success criteria to inform future investment.
Economic Valuation of Groundwater, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) (2013)
Project to value groundwater in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and provide training on valuing ecosystem services for EAD employees.
Qatar Integrated Drainage Masterplan, Ashghal Public Works Authority (2012)
Economic input to 50-year plan to improve and integrate the foulwater, ground water, surface water and treated sewage effluent in Qatar.
Green Economy Review, European Environment Agency (2012)
Review and analysis of international, national, regional and other assessments on progress towards a green economy across Europe.
Social Cost Benefit Analysis, private client (2011)
Economic appraisal of the environmental and social impacts associated with a major mining development in the Mediterranean region.
Valuing Water, UK Water Industry Research (2012-13)
Management of a major water industry research project to improve understanding of how the value of water varies according to a range of factors and across time and space. The project included the construction and testing of a hydro-economic model.
Carbon Strategy, Southern Water (2013)
Preparation and full economic justification of the company’s first carbon strategy, considering and assessing a range of carbon mitigation options.
Monitoring and Evaluation of NIAs, UK Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (2013)
Assessing the social and economic impacts and contributions to well-being of 12 Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs), established by the Department in 2012.
Feasibility Study for a Water and Wastewater Innovation Park in Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise (2012)
Analysis of demand potential for innovation park to develop and test water and wastewater technologies.
Evaluation of catchment-based approach, UK Department for Env and Rural Affairs (2012)
Independent review of 25 pilot areas testing new, partnership-based approaches to catchment management. Specific role to monitor and assess value for money of the pilots.
Water UK Climate Change Adaptation Framework, UK Water Industry Research (2012)
Industry project considering the impacts of climate change and potential adaptation responses in regulatory business planning.
Review of Benefits Assessment Guidance (BAG), Environment Agency of England (2011)
Review of application of the BAG for valuing the environmental and social impacts of water company water resource management schemes and plans.
Sustainability Indicators report, Water UK (2011)
Preparation of report based on submitted data returns from all statutory water and wastewater providers in the UK.
Available Resource and Demand for Abstraction, Environment Agency of England (2011)
Peer review of the methodology, caveats and assumptions used in the Agency’s ‘Available Resource and Demand for Abstraction’ project.
Climate Change impacts on Asset Management, UK Water Industry Research (2011)
Examining impacts of climate change on levels of service and performance provided by the Water Industry caused by an increased rate of asset deterioration.
Integrating Ecosystem Services into CBA, Water Industry Club Project (2011)
Development of a framework for the appropriate use of an ecosystem services approach in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for investment planning in the water industry.
Disproportionate Cost Analysis, UK Water Industry Research (2011-13)
Application and development of the currently available methodology for Disproportionate Cost Analysis to key problems which will be important in determining the strategic direction for the second round of River Basin Plans under the EU Water Framework Directive.